Story-Driven Website Copy that Turns Browsers into Warm Leads.

Let's unearth your distinctive personality & brand story to stand out in a crowded market.

Clients love your work.
But more importantly, they love working with you.

You're good at what you do. But somehow, your website copy and messaging doesn’t reflect it. 

In fact, it’s turning away interested clients. Which means it’s costing you leads and revenue.

"How she distilled my views, my offer, and who I am....immediately affected the number of bookings and my brand perception."

"Your business is as good as your business partners are. Maria has been a phenomenal one in my business, and I’m thrilled to have found her. She helped me figure out my positioning and content strategy at a critical point in my business.

How she distilled my views, my offer, and who I am in a cohesive and actionable strategy immediately affected the number of bookings and my brand perception.

I love her way of working - transparent, actionable, and always reliable. Working with her has been an absolute pleasure, so much so that she became my first ongoing investment in a business—three projects and counting. 

Keep rocking, Maria. Anyone who works with you is a lucky client."



the next time A LEAD gets on a call with you.

They will already know you, love your process, and trust that you are the expert to work with.

This'll only happen if you have an authentic narrative. 

When going through your website, your prospects understand who you are and more importantly go, "Wait, this is the expert I need to help me with my problem."

I'm here to help you talk to your ideal clients.

Your website is meant to present the best version of your and your brand narrative. 
It should make your website visitor want to pay serious bucks to work with you.

Allow the words on your website to reel in your clients before they apply to work with you.


Brand Strategy Workshop +
My Storytelling Powers

Website Copy that leaves an impression.



Once you book in your slot, I'll walk you through the deliverables and timeline to answer for any questions you might have.

So that I get to understand your business, services and goals a little more, in your own words prior to our workshop. 

Onboarding Call

Background Questionnaire

1. Before we start

2. Put my brain to work

This personalised 3-6 hr offer-positioning workshop is an intensive 1:1, spread across 2-4 days.

We get to dive into the nitty-gritties of your business and brand’s journey, buyer's journey and market analysis to understand what makes your offer unique and how we will position your business and offers in the market.

Here's where I interview your previous clients to scrounge up for testimonials.
This way, their exact words highlighting your unique value factors appear in your website copy.

1:1 Offer-Positioning Workshop 

2-3 Client Interviews 

Remember, it's a partnership over here.

Making sure your website sounds like you is a process that comes from us working together. I'll send across a rough draft and first draft of each page of copy via Google docs, so that you provide the necessary feedback and see how it's all coming together.

3. A dash of teamwork

It's time to get what you really signed up for!

Clients can choose a combo of web pages that includes a Homepage, About page, Work with Me or Services page plus two pages of your choice. All of it in your signature voice.

Your Signature Website Copy

4. Get your best ROI

It isn't go time until you hit publish.

It's not a submit-and-done kinda deal. I'm there, rooting for you even after you launch.

Email Support until Launch

Draft-Feedback Stage 

You get two revisions

And that's not all

for free.

I know one of your biggest fears is this: "What if I don't end up liking the copy?"

And honestly, this could happen. In fact, it's happened exactly once in my career for a sales page.

How did the situation get rectified? I offered to redo the entire sales page - for free. 
Because if you're not happy with the copy, I'm not going to be.

And the client? Well, they were stoked - and the copy still exists on their sales page to this date and has an incredible conversion rate for their projects.  

If for some reason, your website copy isn't what you envision?

You get two free revision overhauls! Now, this might not be necessary. But, it's still an option available to you.

It all starts with figuring out your unique 'value'.

Strategy + Positioning + Storytelling for the win!

By crafting positioning that compels and a brand story that displays your most authentic self, you'll get to


Hi, I’m Maria John.

I started working in content more than six years ago before falling in love with writing brand stories. 
I specialize in positioning you as a go-to expert, all while getting your website copy to sell for you.

Why am I the right person to help you?

".....showing creativity and a great collaborative process that I really appreciated."

She created the website copy and product descriptions for the brand, showing creativity and a great collaborative process that I really appreciated. She brings quality research and preparation to her work.

If you’re looking for a copywriter to bring your website to life, I can’t recommend her enough."



How do you want your story told?

What most copywriters give you:

Or get all of that including:

  • 1 massive Background Questionnaire you'll have to fill out in your own time - answers to questions about your business you're still trying to figure out by yourself.
  • 1 60 minute call.
  • Website copy that makes you look like everyone else in your market
  • 1 Revision, with limited chances for feedback

  • 1:1 Narrative Strategy Workshop running 3-6 hours to get a deep dive into your business and understand what makes you different. 
  • 1 short Background Questionnaire to prepare for the workshop.
  • Up to 3 Client Interviews & Testimonials.
  • Extensive draft feedback process.
  • Weekly project check-ins.
  • 1 Outline+2 drafts+ 2 Free revisions that allow for complete overhaul.
  • 3-5 pages of Website Copy that positions you as a 'go-to' expert.
  • 2 Weeks of Email Support leading up to launch, that can be spent working with your designer.
  • Additional support, if needed and at cost, through a brand strategy deck, website design, design wireframe.

What most copywriters give you:

Starting at:
for a 5-page website

Availability from December '24

Timeline: 6-12 weeks

Starting at:
for a 5-page website

Want a Website that Builds your Brand and Sells for you? 

Get on a call with me

Have a Question for me?

1. What is the full extent of your revision policy?

I know you side-eyed it a little when you saw that revision policy because you're thinking, 'There's no way she really means a complete overhaul.'
But when I say revisions, i do mean revisions.
I'm being fully serious when I say that if you want a complete overhaul of the copy, it’s an option available to you. I’d be an impossibly good copywriter if i said every single one of my clients loved every single page that they’ve put out. 
But no. There has been one case where i was submitting an 8 page website to a client. They loved every single page. Except one.
A sales page for one of their coaching programs.

What did I do? I just rewrote it from scratch.

Now, why do i offer the ‘overhaul is okay’ policy?
Because i want you to be proud of your website. I want to feel proud of the work that we create together. If you’re not happy, i’m not happy - plain and simple.

2. What happens if I don't like the copy?

There's two parts to this question.
Firstly, there's a lot of steps that we go through together before your copy even sees the light of day. In each step, we're essentially verifying if your vision and my strategy are on the same page.
If it's not, well, we rectify it then and there.

Secondly, you'll notice that there is a multi-step drafting process in the deliverables - and it is there for that exact reason. To make sure that the website copy is going accordingly to plan, with possibility for revision. 

3. Do you offer any sort of payment plan? 

As a business owner myself, I understand what cash flow can be like so here's what i can do for you. I can offer payment plans so that the burden can be spread across a few months. 

4. What happens if I want to change my copy down the line?

For ongoing projects, you have two weeks after submission of the final draft for any last minute edits. For previous website copy clients, I offer a website refresh package at a lower price.

5. What happens if I don't want a certain deliverable? 

While I can't guarantee this for everyone, in most cases - in the event you've already worked with a brand strategist - I'm happy to adjust the deliverables and price accordingly. Of course, this will be decided prior to onboarding, depending on the quality of work.

6. Do I even need this offer-positioning workshop?

I don't begin writing your copy without strategy. Why?

Because how else will we figure out a positioning that makes you different from anyone else offering the same service as you. 

If we can't figure out what makes you and your offer different, how will that translate into increased conversions and sales?

See, people don't choose to work with you because of the service you provide.

They choose to work with 'you'.

And I'm here to develop your unique brand story and narrative to highlight that - which we'll derive in our 1:1 Offer-Positioning Workshop (included as part of your website copy package). I promise you, you'll see a difference in the way you conduct your next discovery call, immediately after we conclude our workshop.

7. How can I be sure you'll understand my niche?

It's kind of why I insist on having the strategy workshop as a deliverable - it allows me to do a deep-dive in your business. 
In the very rare possibility that I cannot understand it (this is where I’ll put in some of my own extra time), I’ll ask you to conduct your service for me - you'll pretend I’m a client.

I’ve done this many times and it allows me to understand what your target audience is looking for. Additionally, the deliverables also involve extensive competitor and market research on my part. 

8. My business is my baby. I don't want to outsource it.

I completely understand. Back in 2023, I made the decision to outsource parts of my business and content to other people - and I hated the process.

But I also know that to grow means I have to bring in other people. People better than me at some parts of the business because the time I have - is time i want to use for the parts i'm actually good at.

I promise you - you're in good hands. 

9. Client interviews. How do they work? 

I will share an email template for you to schedule the calls.

If you're not comfortable with me interviewing your previous clients, I can prepare and share a survey that can be filled anonymously.

What is important to the process is that you aren't directly involved. Otherwise the responses won't be authentic -which is what your website copy is all about.  

10. Is this a one and done deal? 

If you’re asking if i’m willing to be your longterm partner?

Yes, you are my favourite kind of client. Once your website goes live and you start getting more leads and income, chances are you’ll want a sales page or a lead magnet or email and launch copy to be written.

You can bet I'm going to be at your side as your copywriting partner.

11. Are there any add-ons to your process?

Yes. If it interests you, I can add extra web pages, design wireframes, brand voice and/or a brand strategy deck at an additional price. If you don't have a website designer in mind, I can help you find one through my network of incredible designers!

We can customize this project according to your needs.

12. How long will the entire project take?

6-12 weeks - however, it could go up or down depending on my schedule and your specific website project. I do offer fast track pricing to get it to you in 4 weeks. 

13. How much do your website copy services cost?

I'm someone who believes in transparency - I want you to know everything you'll get, before you even decide to book a call. Website copy is a critical investment for your business, and that’s why I ensure it delivers an incredible ROI.
You can find my pricing and a detailed breakdown of deliverables right here on this webpage. If you missed it, click here

I love working with people who get me excited about their business

Ready for a website that gets you excited about marketing?

If you're excited for your website

coaches, photographers, consultants - anyone selling a creative service

who are ready to pay the big bucks and are people you enjoy working with. 

You want to attract the right clients

People passionate about their business

Creative service professionals


Excited for a website that positions you as the go-to expert?

Let's talk 'details'.